5th All Africa Post Harvest Congress Exhibition

16th - 19th September 2025

The African Union Commission Headquarters (AUC), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Global Statistics

Postharvest Loss Reduction for Sustainable Food Systems

3rd AAPHCE goes fully virtual !

Due to ongoing covid-19 issue the organizing committee has chosen to offer a fully virtual congress.

All Africa Postharvest Congress and Exhibition 13-16 September, 2021



The 3rd All Africa Postharvest Congress and Exhibition (AAPHCE) will have a four-day programme consisting of plenary and breakaway sessions for the various thematic areas. Oral presentations in the breakaway rooms will be complemented by a dedicated interactive poster session where poster authors will ‘pitch’ their research findings. Also, there will be virtual exhibitions by companies, organizations, institutions, and individuals, which will run throughout the congress period. Due to travel and meeting restrictions occasioned by the Covid-19 pandemic, the congress will be fully virtual event virtual to ensure maximum participation from across Africa and beyond.

Guidelines for Abstract Preparation

All the abstracts (maximum of 500 words) for oral or poster presentation MUST be aligned to any of the following subthemes:

    1. Causes, Extent and Impact of food loss and waste – the metrics (data) and tools for FLW
    2. Saving Africa’s harvest during and post COVID-19 Pandemic – lessons learnt, opportunities to strategize for future natural disasters and pandemics.
    3. Innovative technologies, tools, practices and training/capacity building to reduce postharvest losses in food supply
    4. Trade, business and economic transformation opportunities in postharvest
    5. Financing postharvest loss reduction initiatives; Business Cases/Models in postharvest loss reduction; Innovative financing mechanisms for upscaling postharvest
    6. Enabling policies, effective national/regional strategies, experience sharing, Collaborating, Learning and Adapting (CLA).
      • Abstracts must be clearly linked to the congress theme and subthemes. Indicate to which of the six (6) subthemes the abstract is aligned and the preferred mode of presentation, Oral or Poster.
      • Student/young scientists are especially encouraged to submit abstracts/papers. The best student posters and oral presentations will be recognized and awarded.
      • A template and additional guidelines for abstract preparation can be found on the congress website www.aaphce.com

Important Dates

Date Activity
1 March 2021 Call opens for abstract submission
8 June 2021 Revised deadline for abstracts submission
15 July 2021 Notification to abstract authors and request for full papers
15 August 2021 Deadline for revised abstracts and submission of full papers
5 September 2021 Submission PDF posters, oral presentations (PPT), recorded oral and poster presentations
13 – 16 September 2021 Congress and Exhibition

Abstracts/papers submission and publication

Submission of abstracts is via the online platform, https:/bit.ly/3cxGlEc . Any enquiries can be sent to postharvest@aaphce.com. Accepted abstracts will be published in the congress book of abstracts and peer-reviewed congress proceedings. Full papers from selected outstanding abstracts will be published in a special issue of the African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development (AJFAND). More details about AJFAND can be found on the journal Website www.ajfand.net